Top Robot Framework Interview Questions (2024) | TechGeekNext

Top Robot Framework Interview Questions (2024)

  1. What is Robot Framework?
  2. Explain the architecture of Robot Framework?
  3. What are the features of Robot Framework?
  4. What are the advantages of Robot Framework?
  5. What are the Robot Framework's supported file formats?
  6. What is the difference between SeleniumLibrary and Selenium2Library?
  7. In Robot Framework, which library can be used for Web Services automation?
  8. What is Robot Framework setup and teardown?
  9. To work with browsers, which library would be needed in Robot Framework?
  10. Which command would you use to install seleniumlibrary from the github?
  11. Are there any drivers we need to install to do Robot Test Case Using Chrome Browser?
  12. How should the workflow of a test-case be tested in Robot Framework?
  13. How to start RIDE IDE for Robot Framework?
  14. Write a simple test case in Robot Framework tabular format to open and close the browser using SeleniumLibrary?
  15. How to create a user-defined keyword in Robot Framework?
  16. How do we access the value inside the dictionary?

Q: What is Robot Framework?

Robot Framework is a test automation framework that can be used for acceptance testing and test-driven development. It's a tabular test data syntax keyword-driven testing framework.

Robot framework is supported by all operating system. Jython (JVM) and IronPython are used to run the framework, which is written in Python (.NET).

Q: Explain the architecture of Robot Framework?

Robot Framework is a modular design that can be enhanced using pre-bundled and customized libraries. A suite is composed of files containing tests or tasks, which are organized into directories to build a nested hierarchy of suites.

Robot Framework Architecture Refer Robot Framework Architecture in detail.

Q: What are the features of Robot Framework?

There are different features available in Robot Framework.

  1. Tabular format for test cases
    The test cases in the Robot framework are defined in a simple tabular manner using keywords.
  2. Keywords
    With robot framework, you may utilise built-in keywords and user-defined keywords, as well as keywords from libraries like Selenium Library (open browser, close browser, maximize browser, etc.).
  3. Variables
    Variables such as scalar, list, and dict are supported by the Robot framework.
  4. Libraries
    External libraries such as SeleniumLibrary, DatabaseLibrary, FTPLibrary, and httpLibrary are all supported by the Robot framework.
  5. Resources
    The resources are simple to utilise and come in handy when we need to use keywords that have already been written for other test projects.
  6. Data driven test cases
    The Robot framework supports both keyword-driven and data-driven test cases. It simplifies the process of testing user interfaces with various inputs.
  7. Test Case Tagging
    The Robot framework allows us to tag test-cases ensuring that we all can run or skip those that have been tagged. When we only want to execute a subset of test cases or skip them entirely, tagging comes in handy.
  8. Reports and Logs
    Details such as whether the test case failed or passed, the time it took to execute the test case, and the procedures taken to run the test case are all given in the reports and logs.
  9. RIDE
    RIDE helps writing test cases easier by providing framework-specific code completion, syntax highlighting, and other features. The editor makes it simple to create a project, test suite, test case, keywords, variables, import a library, execute, and tag the test case.

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Q: What are the advantages of Robot Framework?

Below are the advantages of Robot Framework

  1. Robot framework is open source.
  2. It's simple to set up and use, and it supports the creation and execution of test cases. To get started with the robot framework, any newcomer may simply understand it and does not require a high level of testing experience.
  3. It allows you to write test cases that are keyword-driven, behavior-driven, or data-driven.
  4. It's a great way to support external libraries. Selenium Library is the most popular, as it is simple to install and use in robot frameworks.

Q: What are Disadvantages or Challenges of using the Robot Framework?

Robot does not allow nested loops or if-else statements, which are essential when the code becomes more complicated.

Q: What are the Robot Framework's supported file formats?

Robot Framework files could be in plain text format (.robot format, or .txt format) or in tab-separated format (TSV format).

Q: What is the difference between SeleniumLibrary and Selenium2Library?

Selenium2Library has been renamed to SeleniumLibrary from version 3.0. Selenium2Library is now simply a thin wrapper around SeleniumLibrary in order to facilitate the transition to the new project.

Q: In Robot Framework, which libraries can be used for Web Services automation?

We can use HTTP library.HTTP and Requests for Web Services automation in Robot Framework.

Q: In the Robot Framework, what are the three types of variables?

Scalar variable, List variable, and Dictionary variable

Q: What is Robot Framework setup and teardown?

Setup: This is a set of keywords or instructions that must be executed prior to the execution of a test suite or test case.
Teardown: This is a set of keywords or instructions that should be run after the test suite or test case execution.

Q: To work with browsers, which library would be needed in Robot Framework?

To work with browsers, we need to load the Selenium library into Robot.

Q: Which command would you use to install seleniumlibrary from the github?

We could use the command from github to install seleniumlibrary with pip.

pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
Robot Framework seleniumlibrary

Q: Are there any drivers we need to install to do Robot Test Case Using Chrome Browser/Firefox Browser?

To use the Chrome browser in Robot, we must first install the Chrome drivers for Selenium to work. The drives can be found on the Selenium website at

Q: How should the workflow of a test-case be tested in Robot Framework?

In Robot Framework, the workflow of a test-case can be tested using keyword style or data driven style.

Q: How to start RIDE IDE for Robot Framework?

Use the command to start RIDE IDE.

Q: Write a simple test case in Robot Framework tabular format to open and close the browser using SeleniumLibrary?

Below is the simple test case which opens the URL in chrome browser.

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
   Open Browser chrome
   Maximize Browser Window
   Close Browser

Refer Robot Framework Open Close Browser Example for it's implementation.

Q: How to create a user-defined keyword in Robot Framework?

As shown below in the browseropen.robot file, we may construct a userdefined keyword called Test Browser.

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${browser} chrome

*** Keywords ***
Test Browser
   Open Browser ${url} ${browser}
   Maximize Browser Window

Q: How do we access the value inside the dictionary?

FOR   ${key}   IN   @{dict.keys()}

    ${value}=    Get From Dictionary    ${dict}    ${key}
    ${type} =    Evaluate    type($value).__name__
    ${contains}=  Evaluate   "/" in """"""
    Log To Console   ${type}

    Run Keyword IF    ${type} == str and ${contains}
    ...     Log To Console   ${key}, ${value}

    Run Keyword IF    "" == "dict"
         FOR   ${key2}   IN   @{value.keys()}
             ${value2}=    Get From Dictionary    ${value2}    ${key2}
             Log To Console   ${key2}, ${value2}


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