Top AWS Aurora Interview Questions and Answers (2024) | TechGeekNext

Top AWS Aurora Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Q: What is AWS Aurora?

Amazon Aurora is a relational database service created and launched by Amazon Web Services beginning in October 2014. Aurora is included as part of the Amazon Relational Database Service.
As a fully managed service, Amazon Aurora saves you time by automating time-consuming operations like provisioning, patching, backup, recovery, and failure detection and repair.

Q: What is the difference between AWS RDS and Aurora?


It provision up to 15 replicas, and replication is performed in milliseconds.

RDS allows only five replicas, and the replication process is slower than Amazon Aurora.

The replicas on Amazon Aurora utilize the same logging and storage layers, making the replication process more efficient. On Amazon Aurora, failover is automatic and data is not lost.

RDS failover, on the other hand, is manual and may result in data loss at the last minute.

RDS allows developers to select the type and size of database instance. You can also choose Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server as a database engine.

Aurora is Amazon's native database engine, specifically designed for use in the AWS cloud.

Q: How to migrate RDS Postgres to AWS Aurora?

You can follow steps from the official blog to migrate my RDS postgres DB into Aurora DB.
NOTE : 12.5 and 9.6.20 versions of PostgresSQL are not supperted by aurora. Supported list are given official site.

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Q: What is Amazon Aurora DB clusters?

An Amazon Aurora DB cluster composed of one or more DB instances and a cluster volume that handles the data for those DB instances.

An Aurora cluster volume is a virtual database storage volume that covers several Availability Zones, with a copy of the DB cluster data in each Availability Zone. An Aurora DB cluster consists of two types of database instances:

  1. Primary DB instance
    Supports read and write operations and handles all data modifications to the cluster volume. There is only one primary DB instance in each Aurora DB cluster.
  2. Aurora Cluster
  3. Aurora Replica
    Only supports read operations and connects to the same storage volume as the primary DB instance. In addition to the primary DB instance, each Aurora DB cluster can have up to 15 Aurora Replicas. In the event that the primary DB instance becomes unavailable, Aurora immediately switches to an Aurora Replica. The failover priority for Aurora Replicas can be set. Read workloads from the primary DB instance can also be transferred via Aurora Replicas.

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