Top BDD Interview Questions (2024) | TechGeekNext

Top BDD Interview Questions (2024)

  1. What is BDD?
  2. Which testing tools are available for creating and managing BDD tests?
  3. Is a BDD tool?
  4. What are the 3 practices of BDD?
  5. How is BDD different from TDD (Test-Driven Development)?
  6. What is shift left Testing principle?
  7. Can we use BDD with manual testing?
  8. What is the difference between Gherkin, Cucumber, and SpecFlow?
  9. As a BDD framework developer, how can we minimise redundant code?
  10. What are Gherkin scenarios in BDD

Q: What is BDD?

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a synthesis and improvement of Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) Development (ATDD).

During Continuous Testing, you can utilise BDD to write tests for automated acceptance testing. With BDD-based tests running during your Continuous Integration process, you can provide stakeholders with quick feedback on whether the functionality is truly built and working-in simple terms.

Q: Which testing tools are available for creating and managing BDD tests?

The following are some popular development testing tools for creating and managing BDD tests:

  1. SpecFlow: .NET framework
  2. Cucumber: Ruby framework
  3. Gauge: JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, Ruby framework
  4. Tricentis Tosca: Scriptless testing framework for APIs and GUIs
  5. Jasmine: JavaScript testing framework
  6. Tricentis qTest Scenario: Jira BDD plugin
  7. Behat: Php framework
  8. Concordion: Java framework
  9. Squish GUI Tester: BDD GUI testing tool for JavScript, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Tcl)

Q: Is a BDD tool?

BDD is frequently misunderstood by development teams as a tool framework. In reality, BDD is more of a development approach than a tool framework.

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Q: What are the 3 practices of BDD?

  1. Discovery: To begin, identify a small future change to the system - a User Story - and discuss real examples of the new capability to investigate, uncover, and agree on the details of what is needed to be done.
  2. Formulation: Following that, document those examples in a style that can be automated, and then check for agreement.
  3. Automation: Finally, implement the behaviour indicated by each documented example, beginning with an automated test to guide code development.

Q: How is BDD different from TDD (Test-Driven Development)?

BDD is intended to test an application's behaviour from the perspective of the end user, whereas TDD is intended to test smaller parts of functionality in isolation.

BDD is the next step in the evolution of TDD.
TDD requires developers to

  1. write unit tests and observe them fail,
  2. construct the feature to allow the tests to pass,
  3. rewrite the code to make it stronger, and
  4. continue the cycle. In BDD, teams do the same loop with feature tests (also known as "acceptance" or "black-box" tests) and unit tests.

Moreover, BDD incorporates shift left approaches such as Example Mapping and Specification by Example to ensure that teams understand what they are doing and concentrate on producing the right things.

Q: What is shift left Testing principle?

Shift-left test is a technique of software and system testing in which testing occurs earlier in the lifecycle (i.e. moved left on the project timeline). It is the first half of the maxim "Test early and often".

Q: Can we use BDD with manual testing?

Yes! Rather than just an automation technology, BDD is a set of pragmatic principles that may be used by software development teams to create better software. A team's collaboration and accountability are helped by Gherkin scenarios, which are primarily behaviour specifications. Secondarily, they serve as test cases, which can be executed manually or automatically.

Q: What is Example Mapping in BDD?

Example Mapping lets you explore and concentrate on the smallest pieces of behaviour in a story. In this way, you can pick out rules, identify the basis of a desired behaviour, and defer the rest of it. Using example mapping as a filter, you can prevent big fat stories from entering into your sprint and erupting with last-minute shocks three days before the demo day.

In addition, it saves time, which helps to keep the attention of busy product people in the process.

Q: What is the difference between Gherkin, Cucumber, and SpecFlow?

  1. Gherkin is the Given-When-Then spec language.
  2. Cucumber is a company and its eponymous test framework that uses Gherkin.
  3. SpecFlow is Cucumber for .NET.

Q: As a BDD framework developer, how can we minimise redundant code?

Know where you're going. Before creating a new step, always check to see whether one already exists. When necessary, refactor current steps to make them more efficient. In order to create new scenarios, re-use existing steps. When writing scenarios, use pair programming or mob programming. Code reviews should be conducted for scenarios. Coding standards should be adhered to - test automation is software.

Q: What are Gherkin scenarios in BDD?

A single Gherkin scenario is a stream of events across the Feature being described, and it maps 1:1 with an executable test case for system. In a Feature-file, you can have many Scenarios.

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